Friday, April 24, 2009

Just one of those days

Yep, it's just one of those days... not a bad day, but not a great day either. Gabe has been sick with a cold and an ear infection and is cutting his 8th tooth, I am sick now too with the same cold, have a ton of laundry to fold (blech) and to top it off, my sister is leaving today with her husband to live out of state for the summer. Boo hoo. However, there are some good things in all of this.
Below are two pictures from last Friday night, when Marissa watched Gabe while BJ and I went dancing up in SLC. It was the first real, dress-up, fancy, eat-out date night we have had without Gabe since he was born. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Also, despite his illness, Gabe has been a real trooper, trying so hard to be happy. He truly brings sunshine into our home.

Also, I have had the opportunity the past couple of days to really reflect on the blessings in my life, and realize how thankful I am for the many little things in my life that I usually take for granted- like the use of my hands, my ability to see and hear, and a loving family that accepts me no matter what. I am truly grateful.


Mustang Suzie said...

So sorry about the colds. They really can be miserable. Thank goodness it's Friday. Maybe BJ can help you get some needed sleep this weekend!

Love the pix--really cute. Gabe is a very photogenic little boy. I know you will miss Marissa, but at least it's summer time and we can all get out some. As soon as my friends are gone, we need to do some planning! Take care. Love ya.

Ashley said...

I could have sworn I saw your sister on campus today (graduation day)...but I wasn't sure! Hope you feel better soon.

rochelle said...

Actually she was on campus this morning, attending her sis-in-law's graduation. Thanks for the well wishes!

BJ said...

You too are "a real trooper" my dear. It's wonderful coming home to you two each day.

BrittWilk said...

he's so dang cute! i can't believe how big he is! geez! and i'm glad you got to go on a real date! so fun.

rhondas view said...

it IS a bummer to always be fighting something- but i love how you go at it. you're remarkable honey and that baby of yours is the sweetest- want to kiss on those cheeks!

Utah Dancer said...

So glad you were able to go out! I also read the blog about the clothing reconstruction, you are so creative! Way to go!