Friday, May 11, 2007

Siesta time!

Well, today I finally got to talk to BJ for the first time since Monday! That's a big hurray! We actually talked like 3 or 4 times today, for 15 or 20 minutes each, in between going to the hospital for orientation, class, and lunch. I was really glad we caught each other.
The people who work here at the hostel are really nice. I like talking with them to improve my Spanish, and they usually slow down a bit. They are ok with explaining things to us that we don't understand too. We are all so tired, but that's ok because siesta is about to start. Here in Argentina, Siesta happens either from 1pm to 4pm or 2pm to 5pm, depending on the place, and everything (I mean pretty much all the shops and companies and stuff) shuts down, people go home for lunch, and nap. After siesta, people go back to work, children go back to school, and don't get home for a few more hours. Then they eat dinner at about 9:30 or 10pm, sometimes later, and then go to bed. It is so crazy! Sometimes it doesn't work out so great for me, because I like to go to bed earlier than that. But it is kind of fun too. Last night I didn't go with everyone out to dinner because they didn't leave until 10pm and I was starving! So I had corn flakes. The milk here doesn't taste too bad if it is with something else like cereal, but it does taste a little funny by itself.
I just got back from a spin class (hard core biking!) at the gym we signed up at. It was like $8 for the month, and 8 of us signed up tonight. We all thought the class was going to be 30 minutes, but it ended up being an hour long. I thought I was going to die, especially since the bikes seats were too tall!
Tonight at 9:30 we are all going out for dinner. I am not sure where. Food is generally pretty cheap here. Some of the moderately expensive places are $15 pesos a plate ($5 US dollars).


Charles said...

We definitely need siesta here in America. Would you try to teach us all how when you get back?

Anonymous said...

I have been enjoying the benefits of siesta time for years now as you know. I think it is a requirement for sanity and health. Enjoy.


Mustang Suzie said...

So I'm guessing that you had couldn't sit on the seat the whole hour! I don't remember seeing a fridge in your room, but I guess there must be one if you have milk. Well,it sounds like you are having some interesting experiences. Probably about the time you get used to all of it, the 6 weeks will be up! Just one more day and 1 week is already gone. Take care, Mom Taylor