Sunday, May 20, 2007

Not much new

So, I've now been here for just under two weeks. And while it has been an eye opener, I have also simply been at work a lot. I wish I were free to go to the interesting places in India, and to see the sites, but that just doesn't happen. I am grateful for the experiences I have had thus far, but I don't expect that there will be many like that. Since my last post, I haven't hardly stepped outside to do anything besides go to work. I did go to see Spiderman 3 on Saturday, but that isn't an extremely cultural experience, although I was happy to get out of the house. Dhannajay, an accountant who works here was kind enough to take me. My coworkers here refuse to let me pay for anything. It feels strange. I don't know how girls do it in the states. Maybe one of you can enlighten me as to how you are able to allow somebody to pay for you time after time. Doesn't it feel awkward? I think it would. Anyways, the movie was interesting. I've never been to a movie that had an intermission before. They just stopped the movie in the middle, and played music for 10 minutes. Then it resumed. I'm glad it wasn't in the middle of some action seen where spiderman was hanging by a thread (pardon the pun). Well... aside from that Dave has come home from his vacation. I am currently staying with them in a guest room just off from the kitchen. The room has its own bathroom, and I stay pretty much out of their way, while still trying to be a polite guest. This weekend I did much reading. I read in The Book of Mormon (we didn't get to church, 4 hour drive to get there), and "A Wrinkle in Time" and I finished the second book of "A Series of Unfortunate Events". I also read several chapters in a programming book, and watched "Independence Day". And that was my weekend. Cultural eh?

Oh well. Such is life, and work, and such was my weekend. I hope you are all alive and well, and I'll look forward to talking to you soon. Please don't be afraid of chatting with me anytime you see me online (and I am quite a fair bit). Even if I am unable to talk for long when you catch me, the 'hi' will be appreciated.

Love you all,



rochelle said...

Cultural or no, reading is always a great thing to do. I brought a few books with me but I haven't had much time to read them.
4 hours is a long way to drive to church. Can you guys get permission to just have your own sacrament meeting or something for those times when you can't make that drive to church?
You'll all have seen Spiderman (or as they say here, "Espeederman")- I don't know if I will see it or not. It has been out for a while here. But the main thing keeping us from seeing it is that the theaters here are hygienically frightening, and so we have been cautioned against going there. But it is out on DVD here already... probably pirated though.

Anonymous said...

Letting guys pay for one? It's the cultural norm for dating... For me, it's not awkward. If someone asks someone out on a date (this rarely happens, so I'm speaking very hypothetically here LOL), I think it's up to the person who asks to foot the bill, unless by mutual agreement you go dutch. My feeling was always that if a guy was willing to spend a little money on me, it showed that he felt I was worth the time and effort. Again, this rarely happens. At the end of the day, though, despite having said all that, I do always kinda make some sort of gesture that indicates I'm willing to help if it's required. :) I'm a rather independent soul...

Mustang Suzie said...

Well, two weeks has already gone by for you, so hopefully, it won't seem too slow. Another week and half of your time will be gone! What are you doing at work mostly? Are you training the testers like you thought? Well, keep the blog going. We love it and you.

Deanna said...

hi bj. just wanted to say hi. this is the first time i've been to your blog so i thought you shoudl know i was here. i wrote you an email though, so i won't give you my life details. have fun out there! i wasn't too far away from you when i was in the philippines last week. cool huh?

Utah Dancer said...

As a girl, I can honestly say that I never once had trouble with my date spending a little money on me. :) I still require it of my dear husband. He must date me offically and "take me to the mall, walk behind me and call me pretty" (check your Raymond episodes)

Didn't you like Spiderman? It wasn't the best one by far but still quite enjoyable. We are really looking forward to Pirates.

Sounds like you are working very hard. I hope you can get out of the office a bit more this week and enjoy a cultural experience. But even if you don't, you can write about the different conversations you have with the people there and see what their views on various subjects are. I bet that would be a cultural experence!

I will try to make sure the girls don't grow up too much while you are away-but considering how fast they grow without my permission I am not sure I have the power to stop it. They can't wait to see you! Andy and I can't wait to teach you and Rochelle a new game we learned. We think you will love it!!! Love you beej!! Candice

Anonymous said...

hey- did you know em has read all 13 of the series of unfortunate events? she loves them!

as for when people buy things for can be hard. sometimes it is humbling. sometimes it is surprising. it can be wanted, unwanted, unnecessary, and also touching. i say it is 'hard' because it is often unexpected and that means your feelings will be unexpected also. it takes a certain amount of grace handling gifts.
so... here's your chance to learn graciousness! just feeling/expressing gratitude. the deal is- you might as well enjoy and learn from it!

Anonymous said...

Well, I'm assuming that you are speaking of dating when you refer to letting men pay for things for women. So, was never weird for me. It's just part of the dating process (or should be)! What you are experiencing is different than that. So, yes... I would feel very uncomfortable if a co-worker was paying for everything for me. It's obviously part of their culture try to enjoy it! Love ya!

Charles said...

I could get used to girls paying for everything for me. I just got back from a date to see Pirates 3. She asked me out. It was a nice change of pace. Don't know that she's my type, but we had a great time. And I'm not as poor as I would otherwise be! I'm not complaining.