Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Does anyone else out there feel like they might go crazy when they get the hiccups? Like when they don't go away and get progressively more violent?!
I do. The end.


nora.lakehurst said...

OK so I know how you feel. I get hiccups so badly. And if BJ was in any of my seminary classes he would remember too. I dont know why but I always got them when I would go to seminary. I hated it!

rhondas view said...

lol... yes, they really are quite nervy!

Yo... said...

Come to think of it, I haven't had the hiccups for a while now...

Mustang Suzie said...

Mine are legendary, as I'm sure you know. So loud and take a long time to go away!

Jessi said...

Yes, completely! Mine will get so bad that I feel like I'm throwing up... very pleasant.

Unknown said...

Ever since Richard and I got married I've been getting them more often, and more violent. Can marriage cause hiccups? ;)