Sunday, November 05, 2006

A day in the life of a super-hero

Ok, so I'm not much of a super-hero, but I can pretend. Rochelle and I have had a quiet Sunday. Church didn't start until 1:30, and we just finished with dinner of my own make. Good ol' fried rice. Learned how to do it in the mission field, and it has served me well as a "quick fixer". I think we are planning on going to bed early tonight, getting a good-night's sleep in, and getting up in the morning to go exercise. We've been going to the Provo Rec. Center this past week for our exercise as Rochelle mentioned. We are going to try to do that more. It has been good. We've enjoyed the morning time together, and the exercise that we have been getting. It has also forced me to go to bed earlier. I'm typically a night owl, but lately, going to bed around 10 pm sounds really good to me. We have been running together, and I have been playing racquetball with Charles, and some co-workers. I have been constantly sore since I have started, but it has helped me feel better during the week. I'm not quite used to my 8-hour work days yet. They seem awfully long sometimes, but the chance to exercise before I go to work helps me feel like I do something more with my life than sit in a cubical, just barely big enough for me to stretch out my legs. I'm also trying to avoid the "geek physique," you know... the skinny arms and legs, and the big ol' round belly-- usually full of pizza and soda. So... that represents one goal I have in my life that I'm working on. Some other goals that I would like to work on need some attention too. One other goal I have is to get to the temple more often. I should have more time now than I used to, and so temple attendance needs to go up. I also need to start reading more. And that includes all types of reading. Reading for fun, reading for study, and reading to keep up with the times. I keep waiting for some poor desperate scout to come around and offer us a deal on the Daily Herald, so I can say "Yes! I want a paper!" and make his day. It seems like when I was in school, we had one every so often come by and ask, but now that I'm done, we don't see him anymore. Well, I suppose that is fine. I can ready most everything I'm interested in on the internet anyways. But having a paper on your door step is a good reminder that you haven't heard what's happened lately. Rochelle and I are both reading Eragon after mom went and bought herself a copy, and put it into our hands. I'd also like to re-read some of my sociology books that I never got to spend quite as much time in as I would have liked when I was going through the course. Some of them were quite good, but we would have 100 page assignments that I would never get through. I've also been looking at Jesus The Christ lately and thinking... "dare I go at it again?" I read it on my mission, and I remember enjoying it, but I don't remember much else about it anymore, except that it was very slow reading, and a very thick book. I think if I start that one again sometime soon, I'll finish it sometime around my birthday in 2012. ;-)
By the way, the picture is just one that we took up at temple square a couple of months ago. The background was just sky, and didn't turn out so well, and so I made it green.
Well, have a happy Sabbath everyone, and I hope you are all doing well.


Anonymous said...

hey- what a cool blog! about a super hero! who takes great pictures then edits them- and who reads stories about dragons... i'm overwhelmed! hey guys, lots of love from texas! :)

Anonymous said...

p.s. GREAT jewelry Rochelle! lol... you do look lovely!

Anonymous said...

Glad you had a good week and are enjoying the exercise. I love reading your blogs and I'm glad you are blogging more in Yahoo. Maybe Rochelle would like to create an avatar and join in (in all her spare time)! Love Ya, Mom