Monday, April 21, 2008

Moved... kinda

So Rochelle and I have been very busy. Last Saturday, we moved. Rather, we moved out. We have yet to really move in. Our stuff is in our new condo, but our new condo isn't really ours yet. The inspection hasn't passed yet, so their is no certificate of occupancy, so we can't live there. So where are we? We are living with my parents until the condo is ready. And we haven't finalized our purchasing of the condo yet either because of the inspection and other things the builders haven't completed yet. Hopefully that will all be finished soon. But yes, our stuff is in our condo. The builder felt bad that he promised it would be done, when it wasn't, he gave us a key and told us to put our stuff in until it is all complete. Thank goodness for that. At least we won't have to pay for a storage unit and move twice! So at this point, we are waiting to get everything finalized. Waiting is painful, but it is made less painful by having parents to stay with for the interim. (Thanks Mom and Dad!) Aside from that, we are looking forward to Rochelle's graduation, and for her parents' visit this week. Lots of fun stuff to look forward to!


Anonymous said...

Crazy crazy life, isn't it! Oh, I need to email you guys about something again. Remind me. I'm going nuts currently for no really good reason. :)

Dani said...

We had a similar situation last year with our house. Do you remember? You were gone, so maybe you don't. We had to move a ton of our stuff into our neighbors garage and leave the rest in our moving truck. We stayed at mom and dad's too, thank heavens for them! We didn't find out that we couldn't move into our house until an hour before and we still had to leave our other house because our buyers were moving in. We had already closed our loan, but the sellers had missed one signature and the guy left town!! We werent prepared to stay anywhere else, so everything we would need for overnight was packed up somewhere, so we had hardly any stuff to take to mom and dad's. We had a new baby at the time too and our other three was crazy. Good luck and hopefully it will be over soon.

Ammieloris said...

Wow! Sounds "fun"! Good luck with the waiting, and happy housewarming when you do finally get to move in!