Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Happy Anniversary

BJ and I celebrated our third anniversary this weekend. Our anniversary was actually yesterday, but BJ surprised me with an overnight trip to Midway, UT on Friday. We stayed in a very cute bed and breakfast called Johnson Mill B&B, and BJ took me out to dinner at the Snake Creek Grill, which had very good food. I loved it all! I will post pictures of the place we stayed. On Saturday we headed up to Park City. It rained in the morning, but by afternoon the sky cleared and it was warm. We walked around downtown and saw a Mustang car show, and looked at the little shops on Main Street. We drove around some, admiring the scenery, and headed to the factory stores to do some shopping. We had dinner at Sweet Tomatoes in SLC- one of our favorite restaurants. I loved the fact that BJ planned all of this as a surprise for me- I knew we were doing something, but I had no idea what! We really enjoyed being together and getting out of the valley.
My family drove to Utah and arrived Sunday night (bringing Marissa back to BYU) and we saw them on Monday. We took my parents out for lunch at Tucanos, and watched a movie with my siblings. Then they went to visit some family in Salt Lake, and BJ had to go to work. BJ and I went and saw the Nancy Drew movie at the dollar theater. Did you read Nancy Drew when you were a kid? I loved that series. I think I liked the older ones best. It was a series that started several decades ago, and I think more mysteries are still being published- Of course, Nancy never ages. We thought the movie was very funny, and enjoyed it. Not exactly what I pictured, but good nonetheless- very family friendly, although the movie, like the books, has that element of (clean) suspense and danger.
I have been reading a lot lately. I recently read O Pioneers (Willa Cather, great book, sad though), the Alvin Maker series (Orson Scott Card- I liked most of the books, but had a few mixed feelings), Eclipse (not exactly "substance", but some light reading is nice sometimes), Harry Potter (of course- who didn't? By the way, I loved the ending. I am such a sucker for happy endings. I knew she wouldn't let us down.), Pope Joan (wow. I learned a lot and I can't imagine a time when women were treated this way- a story of courage, but also a very sad-to-me book.), Tuesdays with Morrie (Mitch Albom, good story, clever, a lot of wisdom, sad without really being sad- you feel good at the end.), The Scarlet Pimpernel (Baroness Orczy- can I just say, this is one of my favorite books of all time- so clever, so suspenseful, and satisfying for even the most romantic at heart. Also clean, which is important, at least to me...) and a few other books that will probably never make my top 10. or 50.

Check back soon... the pictures are coming.


Mustang Suzie said...

Sounds like a fun weekend. You should have told Ron about the Mustang show. We would have been right up there!

Anonymous said...

Wow... has it really been that long already? Seems only yesterday BJ was pulling me aside on campus and saying, "I'm engaged!" :) I guess it was only yesterday... plus 3 years...

Utah Dancer said...

Wow, it sounds like your anniversary was so much fun! Good for you guys! I am sure you are glad to have your sister back in town and see your family. Always good to be together. I loved Nancy Drew mysteries growing up. I think I read all of them. I have been thinking to collect some of them to read with the girls. Ally really loves mysteries--she is all drama that one. I will have to ask you more about the movie as I wondered previously if my girls would like it.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you two had a great time together. Great memories. I trust there are many, many more in store for you. You two are a great couple and we love you.
Enjoy your last few day before school starts up again. But this should be a great, fun year for you. And graduation is looming just ahead.
Lots to look forward to and much to enjoy. See you soon.

Charles said...

Wow. Fun fun silly willy. I'm jealous. Not of the reading, but of the activities. I just took the GRE today which was so awful that I had to make up for it by making myself the world's best Oreo shake. Someday I'll have a life. But until then, I'm enjoying yours. Have a nice life.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you had a fun weekend! You guys deserve it!

I agree with your opinions on the books you read, although I haven't read all of the ones you listed. You make me want to read The Scarlet Pimpernel again. I think I might!

It's been nice to see you guys as much as we have recently! Love you both!

stacey said...

Wow, Rochelle, you are an avid reader! Good work! I love Tuesdays With Morrie, and I also like the other two books Mitch Albom has written - The Five People You Meet in Heaven and For One More Day. I read those both in the course of one day and have them if you want to borrow them. Of course they are packed but you can borrow them, say, next week. At which point you may not have time to read anymore. Hmm...anyways, glad you had a super anniversary, it sounds like it was so fun!!

Anonymous said...

sorry that i missed wishing you both a happy anniversary- better late than never: Happy Anniversary BJ and Rochelle! in reading your blog it appears you had a lovely time together. :)
i have read most of the books you mentioned- but not 'pope joan' or the alvin maker books by orson scott card. i have read his women of genesis and 'enders game'. his writing is on the edge of creepy and i think that's why he's had critical success. when i think of becoming a writer, i often wonder if i can/would be edgy enough!

rochelle said...

Yes, I agree that his stuff can be kind of creepy. I read two of the Women of Genesis books, and while I liked them in that they helped me understand the story better and what it might have been like to be those women at that time, I decided not to read the third book because those books took an emotional toll that wasn't exactly bad, but didn't make for particularly happy reading either.