Thursday, February 05, 2009

February Fun

I compile "fun holidays" calendars periodically (from the website and others), and I thought I'd share the calendar with all of you if you're interested. There are a few family birthdays included on there (with only initials to protect privacy) but otherwise, it is just full of funny, wacky, interesting, or fun holidays, which might give you some ideas of creative things to do either with your kids, or whoever!
Here's the link to my February Calendar:

PS- let me know if there is any major special day that I overlooked!


Mustang Suzie said...

Thanks, Rochelle! I think I'll have some Fettuccine on Saturday since it's Fettuccine Alfredo Day! :-)

Yo... said...

Since you've got international pancake day listed, which is actually Shrove Tuesday, you might as well give the day after its holy-day name - Ash Wednesday. :) :)

rochelle said...

I don't mind adding Ash Wednesday, since it is definitely a holiday, although I don't take part in the fasting that many other Christians of certain denominations do to celebrate Lent, which starts on Ash Wednesday. And you are right, Pancake Day (or Fat Tuesday) is also Shrove Tuesday- people eat heavy foods right before the fast begins.

rhondas view said...

i love the funky things you can learn about by looking at various calendars.
i have one that is from scholastic- giving all of the authors birthdays, even that is interesting to me!
anyway- kids! i'm glad you're feeling better. how fun to be with your brother while he's experiencing the first phase of his mission experience. it's all so cool!

BJ said...

I love these calendars. They are so much fun.

Ammieloris said...

I agree! So fun. I also like the events commemorated by calendars--illegal business transactions and the like.