Thursday, February 10, 2011

BJ's musings

So Rochelle has asked that I post my thoughts on life since it has been ages since I have posted anything, and we haven't really posted much about ourselves.

Unfortunately, as I sit here and try and figure out what to say, I realize that I don't really have a lot of musings to speak of. In some ways my life seems to whiz by, each day much like the day before. Off to work in the morning, home in the evening. Dinner. Put kids to bed. Answer a few more work emails, read the news and go to bed. I think sometimes of hobbies and other time consuming things that I'd like to pursue some day, but I recognize that I really can only pursue a very limited number of things like that. Right now, I play basketball and racquetball each once a week, and I spend a little time playing on my computer as well. I met a guy the other day who was doing an L3C, a kind of half for charity, half for profit company, and I thought to myself that I could do something like that in my spare time and it would be a lot of fun. But then I thought of the sacrifice it would mean for my family, and decided that it would have to wait. So someday... if any of you want to start an L3C, you know who to call! Now I just need to figure out when that magical someday when I'll have a lot more time is going to be!

I would also like to take this time and publicly praise Rochelle. I am glad that our kids have a good mom to raise them. I sometimes feel sad that I really only see the kids for a couple of hours each day, and those hours are not really when they are at their best. But I take consolation in the fact that they have a wonderful mom raising them. She loves them and takes great care of them, and is helping them grow up to be good kids. (Gabe really has his "please" and "thank-you" down these days, and when he says "yes" he will often say "yes sir!".) It is nice to know that while I am required at the office for the greater part of their days, they have Rochelle at home with them.

As far as my work goes... I'm not sure that anyone cares to hear the gory details of what it means to be an IT guy. I could really give you an earful of IPv6, linux, crazy employee requests and the like. But I suffice it to say that... well... there are good parts to it and not so fun parts. I think my mom summarized the good parts when she recently said "I LOVE Google. It was made for me :). I love the internet. I love Facebook. I love everything computers!!!!!!".  I guess I take after my mom on this one.  ;-)  The not so good parts?  Well... every job has those.  No surprise that mine does too. 

Well, I think that concludes my musings for today.  Maybe someday I'll muse some more but it is time for bed. 

Goodnight everyone!



Mustang Suzie said...

Hey, you really did muse!I always love reading Rochelle's and your posts. It's nice to hear about your world. We all go through much the same things in life. Work is necessary and it does make for days that are much the same.

I wish you boys had more time with your families too. I know that you make the best of the time you have. I know too well how fast these little ones grow up and then you see them even less.

We are a very blessed and fortunate family to have each other and the gospel in our lives. Love that you are doing well. Love that you got some of my "likes." Love you and yours very much.

Anna said...

hey B.J. guess what i read........?
yep enders game. haahha i thought you would be so proud. ill tell you more later :P

love you