Saturday, November 13, 2010

Indoor Fun

Sometimes you don't need toys to have a good time.

But simple, classic toys can hold my attention for a long time, especially at Grandma and Grandpa's house, in a cozy chair.

Building forts in the front room is exciting, especially if that means that Mom will come in too and play for hours...

... and even more when there are snacks involved...

... add in my favorite monkey, my cars...

... a good story...

... and my little brother, and I am a happy (indoor) camper!


Me said...

Cute! Looks like fun!

Mustang Suzie said...

So cute Rochelle! You are such a good mommy. Love it!!

Ashley said...

Yes, what a good mama. Rochelle, I babysit a three year old every week that looks SO much like Gabe, that I'm always wanting to call him Gabe, even though that's not his name. He's so cute, with light hair and blue eyes, just like Gabe.