Saturday, November 06, 2010

6 months old (Luke)

Luke turned 6 months old last week, and I thought I should probably document all the most important things about his life so far...

Some Stats:
Height:  26th percentile
Weight:  17th percentile
Head Circumference: 90th percentile
Teeth: 2

Tickling- Luke is soooo ticklish.  He gets the biggest grin on his face and just giggles so cutely. 
Peekaboo- Lots of delight whenever we play this game (several times each day).
Watching Gabe play (Luke is intensely interested in whatever Gabe is doing, and is not happy if he can hear Gabe but not see him).
Binky- Luke still sometimes goes to sleep with his binky in his mouth, or just likes to play while he is sucking on it.  I think Gabe was pretty much done with the pacifier by 6 months old, but Luke seems to like it a lot more. 
Diaper changes (truly, this kid never cries during a change, and usually looks very happy to be freeeeeeee)
Rice cereal is starting to finally become a "like". Luke has been a bit slower on the uptake (or intake!) with solid foods, but I think he has caught on and is enjoying eating.  I started him on some carrots this week and he isn't sure what to think about them yet.
Water- filled teething toy that has been frozen.

Drinking from a bottle (but will sometimes take one after a few minutes of cajoling).
Waking up from naps (super grumpy).
Being in his swing, walker chair or bumbo seat for more than 10 minutes. High pitched squealing and back arching start at that point.
Being on his tummy.  He immediately rolls to his back when we attempt tummy time.  I am pretty sure he can roll to his tummy but he just wont do it.

Luke is sitting up by himself but wobbles over after a little while.  Luke likes the bathtub, loves grabbing things and chewing on them, and being held.  He is in the stage where he wiggles on my lap when I hold him, trying to get his hands on things, but if I put him down, he realizes his mobility limitations and wants me to pick him up again, until he wants to be put down again....

 Luke has the cutest little chubby cheeks that are so nice to kiss!  He grins when we kiss him too, which is just adorable.

Luke is a very social baby.  He hasn't yet become anxious around strangers; he will grin at anyone and be content in their arms if they want to play with him.

Luke loves watching Gabe play, and he is very entertained by everything Gabe does.  Luke is very aware of what Gabe is doing.  I think when he is old enough to crawl he will follow Gabe around as much as he can to try to be part of the action.

We all love Luke dearly, and feel that he is a wonderful part of our family.  I almost can't remember what it was like (or at least I don't want to!) to not have him with us.  It is true about your heart expanding and your capacity to love increasing as your family grows. 

1 comment:

Mustang Suzie said...

He is such a sweet little guy and I love how they interact with each other. I'm sure he'll love becoming more mobile. The biggest problem is that he's going to want to do everything Gabe does and of course, that won't be possible for awhile! :)