Thursday, September 20, 2012

Facebook statuses from the last few months

September 11th: 11 years ago I heard the news on the radio early in the morning as I was getting ready for school, and then more on the national news in my classes as the situation worsened. I felt both shocked and somewhat afraid. Now, over a decade later, I feel sorrow for the lives lost, and gratitude to those who have risked (and lost) their lives since then to preserve our safety. I think it's fitting that the day we honor them is called Patriot Day. I hope we haven't forgotten how blessed we are as a nation to live in a country that allows us freedoms that many only dream of. I love America... God Bless the USA.

July 28th: I told Gabe I was making baby shower invitations for Marissa, and a few minutes later when Luke walked in, Gabe told Luke to be careful and not step on the papers, because "Mommy is making a... um.... a bath for Marissa's baby." I tried to explain that a baby shower is like a party where people give presents for the baby, and Gabe said, "Yeah, presents, like a bathtub!"

June 20th: Today Gabriel informed me that I was a "little, tiny grownup", thanks, I think! This is the same child that delights in telling me that BJ can reach high cupboards, but I can't (well, I can, but my methods seem to disqualify me from being considered a "big grownup").

June 11th: Yesterday morning BJ and I woke up to a little voice saying "Let's make a waterfall on the couch! Let's pour some in the wheelbarrow! Here's a cup, go get some more water!" I stayed in bed in denial for another minute, then slowly walked out to the front room to find about a gallon of water dispersed around the room, on couches, carpet, entertainment center, and toys. Boy howdy. I can't wait until it is darker in the mornings so the kids don't wake up and start their mishchief quite as early. 

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