Sunday, August 22, 2010


We celebrated our 6th anniversary a few days back.  Time does seem to fly.  To celebrate we went out for dinner and to a dessert cafe which was yummy, and I surprised BJ by taking him golfing, or letting him take me golfing, however you want to look at it.  He has been saying for some time that he wanted to teach me to golf, and I thought this might be the perfect time, since I was planning the activity and knew that he would never expect me to choose this for our anniversary.  I had a fun time teasing him about what we were doing, and at different times during the evening he thought we were going to the movies, to a play, an outdoor theater, and dancing.  Haha.  It is the first time I have been able to pull off a surprise for him without totally giving it away.  Anyway, we did have a fun time golfing, despite a minor sprinkler incident for which we were refunded our money (but that's a story for another time perhaps).

I'm glad that after six years, BJ is still my best friend, my sounding board, my stand up comedian, my debate partner, cooking companion, and a patient and engaged father to boot.  There are a hundred more things I could say, but I will spare you the mushy-ness for now and just say that it has been a good 6 years with BJ, and I couldn't be happier about the next 60 (at least!).

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