Monday, April 05, 2010

The last two weeks

I haven't been very good about updating the blog lately, and since this is our family journal in a way, I guess I had better repent of my lazy ways and give an update on the last couple weeks.

My family came to visit us during their spring break 2 weeks ago, and we loved having them stay with us!  We did a lot of shopping (only a little buying), visiting with extended family, the boys played tennis and racquetball, some of the family went skiing, others took advantage of my mom's awesome hair cutting skills, we watched some funny and some lame movies, ate lots of yummy food, went on a few walks, put together a package to send to Tayler, visited my Grandma C a few times, got to hear an old time band perform, did some baking, had my parents come visit me while I was working at the Celebration of Light Health Fair, and just generally enjoyed each other's company.  Gabe loved all the attention, and started saying "baba" for grandma and grandpa (sometimes bapa).  We were sad when they had to leave.  Looking at pictures later, Gabe called Anna "La-la", Cara was "Ya-ya", and he just smiled and laughed when he saw Collin. Gabe still sees Marissa all the time, and sometimes he calls her "Eetsa" but usually when we ask him to say Marissa he just claps and says "aaaaaayyy" (yay).

We had a little scare this week when I went to the doctor and found out I had 2+ proteinuria, which meant that I had to do bloodwork and a few other tests to make sure I wouldn't need to be induced early or put on bedrest (for preeclampsia, the same problem I had when I was pregnant with Gabe).  However, we found out that the tests results turned out just fine, and I am still up and around and the baby is fine too.  So no worries there.
I started having contractions a lot earlier with this pregnancy, and especially the last week or so they have really picked up, but I don't mind, since I am already dilated a few centimeters and 75% effaced (sorry if that is TMI).  Also, baby is head down, so things are looking good all around.  We have just about 3 1/2 weeks left until the baby is due, and we have been trying to scramble and get the last few things ready.

We enjoyed Easter Sunday watching General Conference and spending time with family.  We had a yummy breakfast that Marissa and Richard made, then in the evening we headed over to BJ's parent's house for a family Easter dinner which was delicious.  We took a few pictures of Gabe in his new Easter suit- see the web album below.  The kids had an Easter egg hunt, and Gabe found about 6 eggs then lost interest and just wanted to eat his banana pudding with vanilla wafers.

This week we are back in the routine of work, work, work.  I usually like getting back to things on Monday, but man, I am feeling more tired every day.  It's hard sometimes to feel motivated to get myself going.  Here we go anyway!


Ashley said...

Sounds like the baby is on his way! It was cute to see your tummy in the album-you don't look big at all! Gabe's outfit is adorable, and so are his sunglasses. Isn't it funny how the little ones will find a few eggs then lose interest? Kimball decided after a few eggs that he preferred to find rocks instead. I'm so excited for you guys!!

Mustang Suzie said...

I love your new blog layout, Rochelle. I also love all the pics--very cute. It was so fun to have you all here on Sunday. Glad you enjoyed yourselves and tell Gabe I will make banana pudding any time he wants! :-) We are so excited to welcome the new grandson and glad your test numbers are better. I'm sure we'll be seeing you soon! Love you guys.