Monday, March 15, 2010

6 Weeks and Counting

I have to admit that I haven't really wrapped my mind around going from having one child to two children, but I am ready to be done being pregnant! Done I tell you! I am so grateful that this pregnancy has been easier physically than my first, with less nausea after the first trimester, and a little more energy. Also, I haven't had to deal with so much swelling, high blood pressure, and some of the other complications I had last time. A huge blessing since Gabe likes to keep me running. I was worried that I would have to be on bedrest or just feel sick all the time and not be able to give Gabe the attention he needs- but things have been good that way. Not so great have been the emotional ups and downs I've had with this pregnancy. I wasn't expecting that. Fortunately, I have an understanding husband and a sweet son, and that keeps me plodding along. But did I mention that I would like to be un-pregnant sometime soon (as is safely possible for the baby, of course)?

We have been sick (again) with the whole cold/ cough/ ear infection thing. BJ hasn't gotten it so far, and I'm hoping that he continues to be able to fight it off, because Gabe and I have sure been miserable with it. Gabe is a lot better today than he was, but today is probably my worst day yet. So it can only go up from here, I hope. Blech.

As I mentioned, Gabe has been very sweet- tempered (for the most part) lately, even while being sick. It warms my heart that he is so affectionate- giving and wanting in return kisses if he gets an "owie", or if he gets in trouble- he knows how to work the system, because it melts our hearts, and it is hard to be upset at something naughty (how naughty can a 1 1/2 year old be, anyway?) when you are getting baby kisses. Gabe frequently grabs our hands, just to hold, or he puts them on his back or his head for a little back scratch or head rub. Also, when I ask him where the baby is, he signs "baby" and pats or points to my belly. When I say "That's right, we love the baby, don't we?" He kisses my belly. Cute. He has recently learned how to blow kisses too, which I think is adorable.

I think Gabe is a pretty typical 20- month old boy; his favorite things are cars and trains (both real and toys), balls, dogs, and other animals. He likes to make the sounds for each thing. We have been trying to teach him to say please when he wants something, and sometimes I will ask him "What do you say?" and he will usually sign "please". Earlier this week though, he wanted a cracker, and I said "What do you say?" and he said "Mooooooo!" Lots of laughing. He has become a lot more communicative, responding yes or no to our questions, signing the things he wants, and sometimes saying the word, or a combination of those. For example, yesterday he wanted me to reach a toy that was too high, so he said "mom-my!", signed "help", and guided my hand to where the toy was that he wanted.
 We love Gabe so much, and although it is hard to imagine loving another child as much as we love Gabe, I believe we will find that our hearts will expand to contain all the love we have for both our sons.  It should be an interesting and fun adventure!  I'm ready to hurry up and get on with it!


Mustang Suzie said...

Precious moments! I love reading about your time Gabe--always takes me back to how much I enjoyed raising my little ones. We are anxious for your time to be over too! Can't wait to meet the new little boy. Will be so fun. Take care and thanks for posting.

Tammy said...

What a cute little boy! I hope you guys get better! We keep getting sick this year too, it's no fun!

Ashley said...

Wow, by now it's even less than six weeks! I'm so excited for you guys, and can't wait to see your new little one and hear his name! Gabe is so so so cute!