Friday, November 07, 2008

Four Months Old!

I can't believe the time has gone by so fast and my little "newborn" is a newborn no longer! Gabriel is growing so fast and I can hardly stand it! Gabe can hold his head up as well as his upper body to an extent. He reaches for and grabs things, and puts them in his mouth. He smiles and laughs all the time and babbles and coos. He knows when Mom leaves the room... He seems to have gotten through the waking up every 2 hours at night phase- and (maybe I should knock on wood) I think we are starting a pattern of sleeping 7-8 hours at night before waking up to eat! Gabe loves to play peekaboo and pat-a-cake games, actually any old game or song or anything that makes you smile, laugh and talk with him. He is done with the whole pacifier thing, but we are working to keep him taking a bottle. We get a kick out of the way he laughs any time we laugh, or blow raspberries, or tickle him. I love going to pick him up when he wakes up and he gives me the biggest grin! He likes playing in his baby- gym thing and his walker. He still isn't big on taking naps, although sometimes he gets a short nap when he is in the swing.
This kid pretty much has us wrapped around his little finger. Before Gabe was born, I just didn't have any idea of how much we would love him and be thrilled by every little thing he does. But it is true- Gabe has brought more love and happiness to our happy little family than I thought possible.


Angie Page said...

Rub it in, why don't you! I can't believe he is already sleeping so well at night. I'm impressed. He is such a cutie! Keep enjoying it because time just continues to speed by. Before you know it, he will be in nursery!

Yo... said...

He is just a little cutie-pie. :)

BJ said...

The joy this little boy brings to me is indescribable. I'll be holding him in my lap, and he will look at me, and just start cooing. And when I mimic his noises back to him, he just gets so excited, and just babbles back and forth with me. I can hardly stand it! It is just so dang cute! I also love holding him when he is feeling a little cuddly. I hoist him up to my shoulder and he lays his head down my it, and snuggles up to my neck. His little hand wraps around my neck, and I couldn't feel happier. We really are wrapped around his little finger.

Mustang Suzie said...

You really don't know how much your parents love you until you have your own child. That's the way it is supposed to be. You guys are doing great as new parents. It's obvious that you have a very happy baby! I wish all babies were as fortunate. Gabe is a real cutie.

Dani said...

It IS hard to believe that he's 4 months old! Time flies. I love every phase that my kids have gone through... but I do wish that the newborn phase would last a bit longer. It's so much fun!

Ashley said...

How fun. He is so cute! He sure has the biggest grin. I like your new family picture you put up too. The colors are gorgeous and everyone looks great!

Cindymom said...

Oh Gabe is a sweetie. It's so precious to have a baby, and it's precious to see your child savoring the joy of having a child! I'm so glad you are taking advantage of those special moments-they are fleeting, and they are choice.

12 days till I get to hold my cute grandson!

Scott and Danielle said...

SO CUTE! I love your new picture at the top too. Very awesome.

Jessi said...

I love hearing how everyone who has kids are so similar in their feelings on what becoming a parent has done for them. I'm so happy for you all!

stacey said...

I love the new family shot as well - you all look great! Gabe is so sweet and growing so fast; glad you guys are lovin' it.

Unknown said...

Ohhh this warms my heart. :) What a sweet thing to have such a sweet baby. I love that little boy. I missed seeing him on Tuesday!

Utah Dancer said...

I can't believe he is four months! Scary how fast they grow. What a sweetheart! I love that he lets me hold him--I hope it lasts through the "I don't know who you are!" phase. Here is to hoping--he is just a cutie and makes us all smile!

Wrangler Ron said...

You really never do know this full and complete joy until you experience it yourself. Gabe is blessed to have such great and adoring parents.
And, as you might guess, there is more joy and laughter ahead.
Take it all in while you can. It doesn't last long enough.