Sunday, January 03, 2010

Happy New Year!

We had a great Christmas and New Year's Eve with my family in Oregon, and now we are back home, in the swing of things. We go back to work tomorrow and life goes on. This year will bring a few changes for our family, most of which revolve around the baby boy coming to our family around the end of April.
With each new year comes the potential of a new start, which is so... refreshing. There are so many possibilities. Which is probably why many people make new year's resolutions. Sometimes I let the time slip by, not wanting to set lofty, unreachable goals that will cause great disappointment after going unmet. Other times I feel like I could do anything I wanted to do, and I start the year with the best of intentions, some of which will be fruitful.
This year I do have some resolutions, and some are even specific, though I don't know if they could all be considered "measurable". I won't write all my goals here, but I will share a few:
-Work on eating more vegetables. The recommended number of servings of vegetables per day is 5. That seems like a lot, but if you consider that 1/2 cup of raw or cooked veggies is a full serving, it seems a little more attainable.
-Learn some new recipes. Cooking and baking have never been strengths of mine, and so I have never done a great job of having "real" dinners consistently ready for my family. I would like to feel more comfortable cooking (and therefore cook at least, oh, three times a week- haha!), instead of completely overwhelmed at the prospect of fixing anything more complex than scrambled eggs and toast. That last part was a joke. Kind of.
-Be more organized. I have been working on this one for a while. I think I would specifically like to find a way to keep the office and master bedroom looking neat. I guess that means I will need to do some decluttering and maybe look into some organizational/ storage solutions. We have a lot of stuff, and not a lot of room. I expect that will become more pronounced with our family's upcoming addition. Any suggestions out there on how to save space and be organized when you have 2 under 2 (or 3) years or age?
-Live gracefully. And by that I mean take a chill pill. I tend to want to have every little detail planned out and to know exactly what is going to happen and when. I have started to learn that that kind of attitude is not very healthy for a single person to have, much less a married person, much less with a baby, and, I'm guessing, much less with 2+ children. I want to be able to roll with the punches (pardon my use of cliches, they just work so nicely!) and not be flustered by every little change in plans. My hope is that by just taking a deep breath and accepting whatever comes with the best attitude I can muster, I will be happier, my husband will be happier, and my children will be happier.
I suppose those are plenty of goals to post. I do have a few other goals that are more personal, ongoing goals, but these are the goals I want to add to the mix this year. I do hope that they will bring satisfaction and not disappointment. I plan to print them out to have them accessible to me to read often, and think about my progress.


Mustang Suzie said...

Always enjoys your posts, Rochelle. Looks like you had a great time in Oregon. I'm sure you treasure those moments. I remember when our family was all together like that and I miss that. Time goes on, things change quickly. All at once years have gone by. Holiday time always makes me sentimental. I miss my babies :-).

As far as learning to chill, that's one I struggle with. However, I think that being more organized does help you "chill" because you are generally more prepared. So maybe one of your goals will help the other. I have some goals too and they are always the same. Maybe this year I'll be better at attaining them. Thanks for sharing! Get BJ to post. I notice that he doesn't take pix at our family gatherings anymore. And why is that? :-) Love you!

Unknown said...

Rochelle, I am realizing that we are so similar...I know what you mean about becoming overwhelmed with anything more than scrambled eggs...haha. we must be sisters or something! It always helps to write down your goals and share them, so I am sure you will make the progress you are wanting to make in those areas. Go you! love ya.