Sunday, May 15, 2011

Catch-up time

Well, blogging has really been put on the back burner these days.  I need to do better at that, since this is sort of the record of our family goings-on right now.  This is mainly for documentation purposes since it is all mostly old news, so don't feel like you have to read this!  Let me go back in time a bit...

At the end of March, we put our kids in the car, and left at 4am to drive to Oregon to visit my family and be there when my brother Tayler arrived home from his mission, which he served for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  He spent 2 years in Australia teaching people about the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and although we heard from him in weekly emails and biannual phone calls, we missed him terribly and were excited to see him as soon as he came back!  So we all went to the airport in Portland and nervously awaited his arrival.  We finally spotted him waaaay back behind security, and we were jumping up and down and waving.  He was so exhausted but he was happy to see us too!  We bear hugged him and then went to collect his luggage and take him home.  We got to spend the next couple of days just visiting with him and then we had to come back home.  The drive back was not quite as pleasant as the drive there, but we got through it, with books on tape, Raffi and "Wee Sing", goldfish crackers, "safety chips", and a few hyperactivity-busting stops for the little ones.

Two weeks later, my whole family drove down here to 1. be here for Marissa's graduation (Yay! B.S. in Public Health), 2. Take Tayler to school at BYU-I, 3. Pick up Cara from BYU, and 4. Celebrate my dad's 50th birthday!  Ok, they didn't really come to celebrate my dad's birthday, but we were sure glad that it coincided so closely!  My dad's brother Bob put together memories and stories from pretty much everyone in the extended family to make a really nice book for my dad as has been the tradition for his siblings (he is the last sibling to turn 50).  Marissa and my mom and I made some cakes for my dad's birthday, one a healthy version of chocolate cake (made with teff flour), which was definitely different but still yummy (find the recipe here on SS&GF- a site I really and truly love), and a chocolate pudding cake, which we "frosted" with homemade chocolate almond whipping cream.  Honestly.  It was amazing, and not at all healthy.  I don't think we took pictures, because we were in such a hurry, but it even looked beautiful, with powdered sugar, chocolate shavings, and I can't remember what else on top. 

The next week, my family had to go home, which was sad, but life must go on!  I started a neighborhood playgroup with my friend Sherilee, who did one for the women in our church last year, but they eventually stopped doing it.  So, we started up another one on our own, and as one of our first activities, we took the kids to Jump on it (like Kangaroo Zoo- inflatable playground).  Gabe loved every minute of it- right up until we had to leave, which he detested.  So did I, because I had to march out the door with one child under each arm, one of them kicking and screaming and begging to stay, and other moms throwing me pitying, knowing glances.  (Lesson learned: have a discussion before the activity, about how we can do lots of fun things if we are nice and also obedient when it is time to leave.  And possibly only go with both parents at first, until the kid can handle leaving.)  Since then, we have had several park days, and playtime at different kid's/mom's homes.  I planned a bubbles activity about 2 weeks ago that was outdoors and really fun.  I blogged about the planning and running the activity on my other blog. I didn't think very many people would come, because I didn't get a huge response but I think about 17 moms and their children came at one time or another.  Good thing it was outside!  We had lots of fun.  I have some other fun activities planned, and will blog about those afterward. 

Hmm, what else?  I have been enjoying being a part of two book clubs, one for the women of my church, and one for the women and wives of employees at my husband's work.  I have most recently read The Faith Club, a book about 3 women of different faiths who meet after 9/11 to promote better understanding between those of different religions.  It was very thought provoking and made for great discussion.

This past weekend BJ took me on a little overnight getaway to Midway.  It was for Mother's Day, and he had actually planned to surprise me and take me last weekend, but the kids got sick and so we postponed it a week.  I had a wonderful time!  It was so needed.  We weren't even gone a full 24 hours, but it is amazing what a night away can do for you.  We left the boys in Marissa and Richard's care, and they did great- didn't even miss us (Gabe actually looked concerned when we got home, and wanted to just keep playing with them).  We stayed at a charming bed and breakfast that we have stayed at once before, a few years ago, and had such a relaxing time.  We went out on their big pond in a rowboat and looked at geese, swans, and ducks, and walked around the grounds just enjoying the beautiful weather.  We walked through some galleries and actually met Willie Holdman (a renowned local photographer who does amazing work) in his new gallery that he opened in Heber with his wife (she sells very cute jewelery). We also walked through a book boutique (and scored a few great books) and discovered a great authentic Mexican restaurant called Tarahumara.  We recommend it!  It was a great getaway for me, and I am grateful that BJ went to the effort to plan it for me.  We also owe Marissa and Richard a big thank you for taking care of the kids. 

I have more to say, but this is long enough already.  I will try to do better at posting in a timely manner!

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