Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Funny Gabriel

 Gabe has been a busy little boy lately!  He keeps me laughing constantly.  I couldn't possibly write every single thing he does (although I wish I could so I could remember every thing about him at this age) but here are some of the things he has been doing/ saying this week:

This little sunsuit is from BJ's Great Aunt Peggy- had to take a picture of him in it for her.

"ahsiss"= what's this?
"guk- guk"= dump truck, any kind of truck
"leeleelolo"= mini loader (tractor)
"att-ol"= apple
"do-ckie"= broccoli
 "ah lo lo"= I love you (accompanied by signing)
"Dute"= Luke
"nu-nu-noh"= no no
"oh-ee-oh-ee-oh"= cheerios, cereal
"annow"= hanger
"ya-ya"= tortilla
"wwwhy"= away
"lallow"= yellow
"c-c-how"= after we say "c-c-cow" -usually says "how" for cow
"hi daddy; hi baby, hi mommy"

 "hen! baht-baht-baht"

-abc song- "a-d-c-d-e-e-e-o-e-o-e-d-e-d-e-c-e-c....", sings the right tune and everything, but gets stuck in a loop and can't remember the tune for the last phrase.
-"lalala" to whatever tune
-Old Mac Donald Had a Farm- "Yi-yi-yo" and animal sounds
-How Much is that Doggy in the Window?- "wuff, wuff"- between each phrase

This picture is priceless!  Gabe is wearing some 3-D glasses.

Funny/ Cute Things
-Kisses- All the time.  In church on Sunday, he kept kissing me on each cheek and the lips, over and over, and leaning his head on me and making an "awwwwww" kind of a sound.  He still kisses Luke many, many times each day.  He sometimes still says "muah" but usually he makes a real kissing sound.  Also, he is enjoying blowing kisses- it's adorable!
-The other night I was up around 4 am after feeding the baby and I went to check on Gabe and cover him back up, and he sat straight up, said "cheese", and laid back down and was totally asleep the whole time!  Haha.
-Poor guy has been teething again. He has 10 teeth, and is working on 12- the last 4 are big molars. (What the heck? He is still only 1!)
-loves wearing glasses
-Gabriel is the kid who throws bark chips at the park.  Yep, the swing is a fairly good attraction, slides not so much, but the real excitement is grabbing handfuls of barkdust and throwing them at the play structure, on the slides, or just up in the air.  And screaming (with delight).

Gabe with Grandpa C. on Luke's blessing day.  Cool dudes! (Gabe always says "coo" after he puts sunglasses on.)


Anna said...

oh my goodness that little boy!! i love how he sleep talks lol rochelle you are a lucky mother!:P

Ashley said...

Isn't he almost two now? Time flies. He is a funny little guy. Your pictures in the previous post are adorable. You're doing a great job. Rochelle: super mom of TWO!